About Us
About Us

Our Sponsors

Our Donors

$450,000+ Donors

Robert Steven Neville

$5,000+ Donors

Dennis Mangers & Michael Sestak

$2,500+ Donors

Addison Beach
John Bressan
James Dahlen
Jason Dobb & Ray Chen
Chris Huber & S. B. Hadley Wilson
Patrick & Elizabeth Kenealey
Frank & Virgilio Lasso-Lawler
Norman Lorenz & Edward Condon
Russell Marsh
Marc Rezin & JR Keith
Talbott Smith
Mark & Maria Tebbutt
Douglas Trieschman

$1,000 + Donors

Mark & Rob Angle
Andrew Crotto
Dan Dutra
Ramon Egana
Laureen Fallahay
Carol & Greg Foster
Rick Gonzalez
Steve Haas & Ashish Gupta
Don Henkle
Sheila Jensen & Sandra Pifer
Sandy & Mike Kramer
Steven & Daid Labarre
Eugene Leyble
Shell Mercurio
Carol Paskulin
Junn Paulino
Michelle Paull
Pete Pavey & Tony Miller
Ramone Perez
Donald ReGester & Tim Elhard
Tulutte Ross
Carrie Silver
Bruce Southard
Richard Spierto & Mark Sebastian
Mike Tentis & Jeff Farley
James Tokuno
Martha Tufo
Harold & Ilah Turner
John Walker
Mark Adam Webster
Howard White
Mark Wilhelm & Victor Libbey
Joey & Levi Wingo
Dr. L Steven Winlock & Tim Whalen
Mary Wujek

$500 - $999 Donors

Brian Arao
Emily Baime Michaels
Patricia Barcena
Cindy & Nancy Baudoin-McKernan
David Bocock
Jennifer & Christa Boudreaux
Cris Brevik & Michael Sweeney
Ed Brick
Matthew Brooks
Michael Brumbaugh
Laura & Christopher Cacciatore
Darwin Constantino & James Wittrock
Raymond Coshow & Mike Blassingham
Manuel Del Alto & Jorge Gaitan
Jeffrey Discala
Trevor Doyle
AJ Foxx
Jane Fricke
Michael Gagnon & Corey Hubert
Jan Geiger
Andrew Gibout
Paul Graham
Ursula Harelson
Dennis & Rhonda Harrigan
Joel Hockman
Kimberly Jahnke
Dennis James
Michael Kastan
Rich Klosinski
John Kouletsis
David Kwong
Steve Kyriakis & Matt Donaldson
Deno Marcum
Vincent Masincupp
Justin McDonald
Brian McMartin
Delta Mello
Karen Merick
Colin Miller
Richard Montalban
Marc Nutt & Jim Minoudis
Lynne Olsen
Ian Price
David Pritchett & Cameron Yee
Daniel Quanchi
Tyson & Marco Redhouse
Lisa & Jeff Renati
Richard Rodieck & Stephen Frei
Gabriel Rodriguez
Myrna Rodriguez
Sothea Sam & Matthew Johnson
Elizabeth Sarnoff
Sean Savidge
Kevin Schunke
Heather Scott
Bronwyn Sebesta
Christopher Smith
Ronald Spingarn
Michelle Stephens
Thomas Tripp
Mark Whitfield
Maria Williams
Dennis Zevely

$250-$499 Donors

Wendell Alderson & Ken Nather
Kevin Alverson
Paul Michael Alves
David Barron
Brad Bartholomai
Jennifer Bertram
Rodney Bravo
Sage Brown & Elaine Mejia
Lance Burke & Thomas Schlinkman
Seekey Cacciatore
Roger Cadion
Anthony Canela
David & Karen Cannata
Michael Cooper
David & Patrick Currier-Florez
Kathryn Davenport & Ken Weiss
Judson Day & Billy Vest
Mark Delacruz
Facebook Donations
John Lee Duncan
Anthony Elias-Linarez
Joseph Engle
Jonathan & Igor Fatta Fedotov
Austin Frost
Kristina Garris
Martín Gonzalez & Alan Hart
Jeffrey Gorman
Paul Graham & Michael Wong
Meg Halloran & Anne Bersinger
Keith & Beth Hassett
Alex Heetland
KP Hollon Miller
Andrew Hutton
Nick Jamero
Paul Jones
Danny & Brandy Kramer
Agustin Maravilla & Lisa Sherrod
Doug Marques
Mike Mazzei
Jeffrey McInnis
Moshe Teodor Metica Rezonov
Scott Meyer
Kyrana Michaelson & Shannon
Luby Mitrovich
Howard Montenegro
Alexander Nguyen
John O`Brien
Austin Othman
Rubia Packard
Jim R Parr Jr & Steve Dane
David Philipp
Clint Pyeatt
Luis Rodriguez-Prieto
Marcia Rooney
Michael Ruby
Jeanine & Rick Rutherford
Timothy Smith
Rob Sofio
Phillip Spohn & Mary Hickman
Daniel & Nathan Spohr-Grimes
Claudia St. John
Ryan Tabura
Tim Tormey & Randy Miller
Luigi & Lnog Vo
Shawn Wakefield
Lynda Walls
Loretta Wilkinson
Corey Winfield
Rolf de Vegt

Up to $250 Donors

Sundeep Adusumalli
Shayan Alavynejad
Fabian Alberto
Andrew Altman
Peter Andrews
Carol Armour
Sue Bachman
Carol Baker
Mark Baker
Katie Baker
Steve Basha
Ashley Batte
Larry Beaty
Robyn Bergman
Kristin Bickle
Erika Black
Christian Bohm
Jaime Bowls
Rebecca Boyles
Tomi Bradshaw
Gwendolyn & Brian Branine
Suzanne Bria
Claudia Brick
Pati Brown
Holly Brown-Williams
Susanne Buehler
Sonia Burt
Victoria Cacciatore
Deane Calvin
Chris & John Camarillo
Vivian Carmichael
Louise Castaldi
Rodney Chaney Jr
Fidelity Charitable
Douglas Ciullo
Lisa Ciullo
Eric Claravall
Lawrence Cook
Sarah Craig
Paul Curtis
Matthew Dahlen
Joshua Dahlen
Allen & Joann Dahlen
Adria Diaz
Vince Dinh
David Do
Larry & Deanna Dockter
Keith Ellis
Candice Erba
Dana Eurich
Philip & Bob Eusebio-Nelson
Joel Evans
Pamela Fitch
James Fitzpatrick & Peter Walsh
William Floyd
Arthur Fong
Wiley Fowler
Peter Gannett
Anthony Gerena & Domenic Procaccini II
Franco Ghadiri
Lars Gjerde
Crystal & Tim Gorton
John Goselin
Melody Granger-Mayer
Philip Graves
Aileen Grizard
Max Gross
Jack Hamilton
Stephen Hansen
Patti Harmon
Gregory Harwell
Leah Hassett
Kristina Hecteman
Julayne Hoffmeier
Justy Holliday
Andrew Hopper
Karla Huerta
Karen Humphrey
Allan Hurst
Jayson Jacoby
Michael Jeffries
Anne Johnson
Kay Judson
David Knoll
Christopher Koch-Hill & Clark Hoover-Hill
Mindy Kramer
Susie Lapointe
Jeannie Larson
Lorraine Latorraca
Marianne Laws
Heather Leach
Sherrill Leake
Timothy Lee
Michele Linarez
Toni Linarez
Jason Lindo
Ismael Lopez
Doug Lord
Lucian Maidan
Dawn Maione

$500-$999 Donors

Brian Arao
Emily Baime Michaels
Patricia Barcena
Cindy & Nancy Baudoin-McKernan
David Bocock
Jennifer & Christa Boudreaux
Cris Brevik & Michael Sweeney
Ed Brick
Matthew Brooks
Michael Brumbaugh
Laura & Christopher Cacciatore
Darwin Constantino & James Wittrock
Raymond Coshow & Mike Blassingham
Manuel Del Alto & Jorge Gaitan
Jeffrey Discala
Trevor Doyle
AJ Foxx
Jane Fricke
Michael Gagnon & Corey Hubert
Jan Geiger
Andrew Gibout
Paul Graham
Ursula Harelson
Dennis & Rhonda Harrigan
Joel Hockman
Kimberly Jahnke
Dennis James
Michael Kastan
Rich Klosinski
John Kouletsis
David Kwong
Steve Kyriakis & Matt Donaldson
Deno Marcum
Vincent Masincupp
Justin McDonald
Brian McMartin
Delta Mello
Karen Merick
Colin Miller
Richard Montalban
Marc Nutt & Jim Minoudis
Lynne Olsen
Ian Price
David Pritchett & Cameron Yee
Daniel Quanchi
Tyson & Marco Redhouse
Lisa & Jeff Renati
Richard Rodieck & Stephen Frei
Gabriel Rodriguez
Myrna Rodriguez
Sothea Sam & Matthew Johnson
Elizabeth Sarnoff
Sean Savidge
Kevin Schunke
Heather Scott
Bronwyn Sebesta
Christopher Smith
Ronald Spingarn
Michelle Stephens
Thomas Tripp
Mark Whitfield
Maria Williams
Dennis Zevely

$251-$500 Donors

Wendell Alderson & Ken Nather
Kevin Alverson
Paul Michael Alves
David Barron
Brad Bartholomai
Jennifer Bertram
Rodney Bravo
Sage Brown & Elaine Mejia
Lance Burke & Thomas Schlinkman
Seekey Cacciatore
Roger Cadion
Anthony Canela
David & Karen Cannata
Michael Cooper
David & Patrick Currier-Florez
Kathryn Davenport & Ken Weiss
Judson Day & Billy Vest
Mark Delacruz
Facebook Donations
John Lee Duncan
Anthony Elias-Linarez
Joseph Engle
Jonathan & Igor Fatta Fedotov
Austin Frost
Kristina Garris
Martín Gonzalez & Alan Hart
Jeffrey Gorman
Paul Graham & Michael Wong
Meg Halloran & Anne Bersinger
Keith & Beth Hassett
Alex Heetland
KP Hollon Miller
Andrew Hutton
Nick Jamero
Paul Jones
Danny & Brandy Kramer
Agustin Maravilla & Lisa Sherrod
Doug Marques
Mike Mazzei
Jeffrey McInnis
Moshe Teodor Metica Rezonov
Scott Meyer
Kyrana Michaelson & Shannon
Luby Mitrovich
Howard Montenegro
Alexander Nguyen
John O`Brien
Austin Othman
Rubia Packard
Jim R Parr Jr & Steve Dane
David Philipp
Clint Pyeatt
Luis Rodriguez-Prieto
Marcia Rooney
Michael Ruby
Jeanine & Rick Rutherford
Timothy Smith
Rob Sofio
Phillip Spohn & Mary Hickman
Daniel & Nathan Spohr-Grimes
Claudia St. John
Ryan Tabura
Tim Tormey & Randy Miller
Luigi & Lnog Vo
Shawn Wakefield
Lynda Walls
Loretta Wilkinson
Corey Winfield
Rolf de Vegt

Up To $250 Donors

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5960 S Land Park Drive, #242 Sacramento, CA 95822.

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A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization Tax ID Number: 68-0234567
© 2020 Sacramento Gay Men's Chorus.

2111 J Street, #275
Sacramento, CA 95816